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    Bouquet of Power

    Bouquet of Power is an observation porch with a beautiful view over the nearby meadows. It is a special place. You will see here the rays of rising sun lazily emerging from behind the trees, you will welcome another morning and the flowers will tell you their well-protected secret. As a fiery tale goes, people from the surrounding areas used to come here to recover their powers and feel positive energy. Till today the magic of this place fills each day started here with joy and positive thoughts.



    Nie za siedmioma górami i nie za siedmioma lasami, lecz w sercu Warmii i Mazur na skraju malowniczo położonej wsi Guzowy Piec znajduje się hotel Spa “Bajkowy Zakątek”

    Access times / distances

    • GDAŃSK 1:40h / 140km
    • WARSZAWA 1:40h / 140km
    • TORUŃ 1:40h / 140km
    • GDAŃSK 1:40h / 140km
    • WARSZAWA 1:40h / 140km
    • TORUŃ 1:40h / 140km